Wednesday, May 16, 2012

FLOMO Helps Local Bergen County Girl Scout Troop Sell Cookies with Donation of Reusable Lunch Bags

Teterboro, NJ May 16, 2012 - During the heavy Girl Scout cookie selling season, one clever troop in Bergen County, NJ boosted their cookie booth sales by offering their customers an incentive. For every three boxes bought, each customer received a FLOMO® reusable lunch bag with Girls Scouts 100th Anniversary sticker attached. The free bag incentives helped the girls exceed their sales goal by selling more than 1,430 boxes. All thirteen girls from Ventures Troop 2000 were honored with a special troop award.

Their sales technique is just one example how Girl Scout troops find creative ways to sell their cookies. Working with companies and seeking donations, girls can pair up their sales with free gift incentives or services from outside the Girl Scouts organization – making unlimited opportunities.

Girl Scouts get various instrumental learning experiences through selling cookies. They learn to work as a team with the other members of their troop to figure out where and how they will sell the cookies – searching for highly populated areas that get a lot of traffic. Troops get experience setting up table displays of cookie boxes using their creativity to find ways to decorate the table, attract eyes, and gain more customers. Girls also learn communication skills in selling and talking to potential customers while explaining price, flavors, and the humanitarian benefits of buying cookies from their organization. FLOMO® recognizes the Girl Scouts’ hard effort and likes to support them.

FLOMO®/Nygala Corp. headquarters are located in Teterboro, NJ and is always looking for ways to give back to the community in any way possible. FLOMO®/Nygala Corp. is currently a proud Leadership Sponsor of the Girl Scout Councils of New Jersey’s 100th Anniversary. The company has also sponsored, donated and volunteered at many Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey events including their annual Eco Trek, Women of Achievement Ceremony, and with their “Future CEO Program” created to empower girls to be leaders in business. The FLOMO team cultivates and manages all FLOMO’s sponsorship activities.

About the FLOMO Brand

FLOMO® is a major national brand of quality gift bags, gifts, gift wrapping accessories, photo frames, ceramics, plush, artificial flowers, party supplies, holiday/seasonal decorations, bows, ribbons, school supplies, fundraising brochure items, and more. FLOMO® products are sold in stores across the U.S., including mass-market chains, discount stores, dollar stores, gift shops, party stores, drugstores, supermarkets, and in mail-order catalogs. Nygala Corp. operates all FLOMO® brand product distribution in the United States, Canada, South America, and beyond.

© May 2012. Copyright Nygala Corp. All Rights Reserved.

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